Moses and Superman: Why Writers Revise Mythology for Relevance and Meaning

Radical Imaginism


Humans are constantly revising everything– it’s how we evolve — by hashing, rehashing, innovating, building upon and creating new spins on ancient memes, fairy tales, myths and even religions. It requires a deft melding of both the familiar and the new. Look at the proliferation of superheroes. Not since the Alexandrian conquests have we seen such a hotchpotch of multi cultural gods and myths blending together, reborn and renewed in shiny new epic adventures and incarnations. 

My favorite recent example is Cider House Rules– a stunning retooling of ancient Semitic folklore retold and reconfigured in a1940’s tale of the love hate story between a young “doctors” rebellion against his demanding patriarchal “father”, who “falls” from heaven (St. Clouds) to live in an apple orchard, fighting his destiny the whole way, only to realize “watching and waiting is a lot like doing nothing” whereupon he learns that action is required and thereby reclaims his destiny.

Another stunning…

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